Saturday, December 18, 2010


For this type of job transfer request, follow the above guide, and also state why you need to request a transfer. In addition to selling your abilities,

o Really play up your commitment to the company, and your desire to remain with them

o Highlight achievements and skills that would be sorely lost

o Explain why you need to request a transfer

o Be appreciative of what the company has done for you

o Offer a plan for transition which includes training a new person for your position

Here's an example:


I am writing to respectfully request a transfer in location from [office A] to [office B]. A change in my personal circumstances necessitates this move. An illness in my family has made it necessary for me to relocate to [x]. Since I have been with this company for [x time], and have thoroughly enjoyed my employment here, I feel it is in the best interests of myself and of this company that I move operations, rather than leave the company altogether.

In my time here, you have known me to be a person who [list skills and attributes]. I would like to continue providing job excellence to this company, and hope that we are able to work together to find a solution that fits both of our needs.

I understand that this presents some difficulty for the current location, but I feel I can still be of service from this new location, and I am willing to work through [period of transition] to help train new personnel in my position.

I am very appreciative of my time here at [company], the experience has been very rewarding in many ways. I thank you for taking the time to consider my request and anxiously await your decision.





You should fee free to appeal to the human side of your employer, and be sure to include appropriate reasons why you are requesting a transfer; however, resist the urge to be plaintiff and keep this part of the request short - no one likes a whiner!!

The key in how to write a job transfer request that is effective is to balance your skills and assets with the needs of the company. Play up the angles that are open to you, but be careful not to come off as sounding presumptuous and arrogant; you want to be viewed as a valuable company asset, not a thorn in the side worth losing! In all job transfer requests, keep the focus on the company and its benefit as much as possible. Selling your invaluable self will surely get you the move you need!

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